In case you were unaware Happy Easter!

We had a bit of choccie in the house but frankly, we were too tired to bother much.  Poor Boyo was pretty shattered after yesterday’s celebrations and Girly was more interested in trying to get hold of the shiny paper from her brother’s egg than in the chocolate itself.


Easter in my household is a gentle affair as I’m not Christian.  We do the bits and pieces that the school talk about and view it more from the cultural aspect than the spiritual.  We practice a different faith normally so why would we borrow Easter in order to get chocolate?  It just seems a bit too mercenary for my liking.  This means we get maybe 1 egg each for me and Hubby and Boyo gets an egg and a toy.  We do get eggs from relatives but they tend to be stretched out a bit over the weeks before and after.


Instead, we take the day to be together as a family and relax together.  We had the added dynamic of Jim’s dad staying over which made things a but tenser than usual.  However, we spent the day cuddled up watching movies and generally recovering together.


Happily, we had a visit from my Bestie down South, KC.  KC and I have the kind of friendship that we just pick up where we left off the last time we saw each other.  She did us the honour of agreeing to be one of Girly’s Guardians yesterday and I can genuinely say I love her and her family down to the bones.  Her oldest kiddo is Boyo’s soul friend.  They have similar issues and just connect instantly.  Her youngest Boyo is just a cutey.  I’m proud to be their Guardian too.  They are bright kiddos who face life’s challenges with a cheeky grin.  I miss them loads when they are gone.


Happiness is… Relaxing with my family both blood and soul kin.