My new found love of Instagram, hand lettering and drawing have dovetailed nicely together into me committing to a couple of Challenges in April.  On my list of 100 things, I wrote that I wanted to do more handwritten letters and that I want to work on my handwriting some more.  Then I stumbled across the hand lettering how to guides and suddenly a whole new avenue of creativity exploded into existence.  So, I’ve dug into my stash of notebooks (I love notebooks) and found my pretty pens and I’m ready to rock!



I’m feeling fairly confident that I can do this one.  I’m looking forward to writing some lists and sharing my ideas.  I also think this will be great for some self-discovery too.



This one is a bit scary.  I’m jumping right out of my comfort zone with drawing and lettering but I’m hopeful I can manage it.  I’m also not gonna be too hard on myself if it doesn’t go to plan.  Firstly, I have no idea how to even start drawing snap dragons and secondly, this is supposed to be fun!


Happiness is… Challenging myself to improve.