An unexpected shopping trip meant that I got some time with my Mum and managed to get Girly some extra bits that she needed.  I’m happy that she now pretty much has her outfit sorted for her Naming.  Now all I need to do is make her a little shrug to wear and she will look amazing.


I also sorted out a bit of eBay shopping for the Naming so I feel like I’m getting somewhere with the Naming.  It’s three weeks away and I’m starting to get my ducks in a row (on a side note, you can get Rainbow Unicorn rubber duckies, this is actually a THING!).  I think I can do this!


Boyo came home with a request to go to tea at a friend’s house.  I’m soooo happy!  Given Boyo’s issues with social integration, I never really expected him to get invites like this.  He is going on Thursday and I’m both looking forward to it and nervous for him too.  How will he cope in a different home environment and have we somehow set him up to fail?  It has take several months for him to adjust to school so I’m wondering how he will cope with his friend’s older siblings and the noise levels that come with 4 kids in a small house.  We have been talking about how to help him cope if he gets overwhelmed.


Happiness is… Getting ready for new experiences