We were invited to attend Boyo’s class to help him create a Super Vegetable.  Boyo’s school likes to have lots of parental input and we have been invited in for different things fairly regularly since September when Boyo started school.  Being invited to bring in a vegetable and create a superhero was not something I had expected but being game for most things and wanting to build a good relationship with the school, we went along for the fun.

Of course, Boyo treats vegetables with the contempt only a small child can produce so he chose a banana instead.  We arrived with our bunch of bananas (just in case he takes against the banana we would choose) and we quickly noted that every other parent and child grouping had conformed to the vegetable rule.  Oh well, never mind.

We folded ourselves into the teeny chairs for 4 year olds (I’m 5 foot 7 and Hubby is 6 foot 2) and set to work.  Basically, we let Alex take the lead and I cut out the bits we needed and Hubby glued them down.  Oh, and getting school glue to stick to smooth banana skin is definitely an exercise in patience and determination.  (You WILL stick!!!)

Boyo’s teacher did explain that they had been reading a book called Supertato and Boyo was excitedly telling us all about it and the Evil Peas.



Thank you World Book Day for the confusing but fun conversations we have been having about vegetables this week.  Incidentally, Boyo has suddenly taken to eating peas with a vengeance – possibly literally.

It is now my great pleasure to introduce to you, dear reader, the newest, happiest, healthiest Superhero I know… SuperBanana!!



Happiness is… A fun, family activity with a fruit.