Just wow.  My Happy found me today and then some.

I attended a cleansing meditation and wow, it was powerful stuff.  I feel lighter and happier and clearer than I have in a long time.  I cleared out some surprising lingering negativity and I feel powerful. 

The meditation brought out feelings of joy and love that dazzled me and left me floating.  I smiled pretty much all day and I bought a CD to bring the meditation home with me.  I will be using it.

I used to meditate but I’ve never connected as strongly to a guided meditation before.  At one point, I went dizzy from it and had to quickly ground myself.  Even now, I can feel the lingering effects of it.

I wanted to rejuvenate my meditation practice this year and, goodness me, I think I just received a kick up the butt with it.

Coming home, I had a cuddle with Girly and I was suffused with love.  The warm and fuzzies filled me up and felt amazing.  I just snuggled her to me and she beamed at me.

Happiness is… Love