After month’s of preparation, sleepness nights and 50 toy windmills made, the day finally came.  Girly has now been officially Named and introduced to our community.  Friends and family from up and down the country gathered together to welcome her into their lives and hearts.  And, she was amazingly cute all day.



It was at points solemn and chaotic, spiritual and silly.  The Naming ceremony was led by M which is a nice turnabout as I led her daughter’s Naming 8 years ago.  The ceremony itself was just beautiful.  Girly smiled at the crowd and cooed in the right places.  Her guardians gave their vows and so did Hubby and I.  Boyo even managed to stand up and promise to be a fun big brother and help Girly get into mischief – he really liked that idea!


Then we had the reception and chaos ensued.  I realised that we had 12 kids in attendance and I had a deep love for each of them.  They may not have all been blood related but I have become Auntie to each of them.  I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child and I am happy to say that I benefit from both sides of that raising.


Happiness is… Spending time with Family and Friends, celebrating new life.