Well, after running round the shops today I was reminded that I had a meeting to go to this evening. Oops!  I’m a sometime member of the NCT and I recently started going back to the meetings.  They are a lovely group of ladies and we drink tea while sorting out things to do for parents in our area.  We are a small branch so we don’t do lots at the minute but they are so caring and genuinely nice ladies that it’s lovely just to have an excuse to meet up with them once a month.

Naturally, after discovering less than 2 hours before I needed to leave the house that I’d totally forgotten about it, I raced round like a loon getting everything sorted included Boyo’s homework for school and getting showered and so forth.  I’d planned a leisurely shower followed by a bit of gaming for this evening.  That got changed to a rapid shower and a hunt for my notebook.  Luckily, I was semi-sensible and keep my notebook in the same place every time so it wasn’t too stressful.  We’d planned takeaway pizza for dinner anyway so that wasn’t so bad either.  Scrubbed, fed and ready for action, I departed and had a great time.


Of course, I ended up volunteering for a couple of things but you know how it is.  I had a good idea. And then it kind of led to me carrying out said good idea.  Upshot is that I now have a nice easy To Do list and I’m once again contributing to the betterment of society (or something like that).  I do love being a volunteer and they offered me cake.  I was sunk at that point.  Turns out, most of us were enticed to be volunteers for the cake.  So, I think that we need to offer that at our next event.  Join our group, we have cake!

Happiness is… contributing to society and cake.