
Finding my Happy Every Day

A journey of discovering joy in the everyday



Day 75: Gamer Girls Rule!

A head cold to a normal person, makes you feel rotten and want to go to bed for a bit.  A head cold to a Fibromyalgic like me makes you feel like hell and you can’t even get out of bed.  I’ve pretty much spent the day doing two things, sleeping and playing online games to stop myself for sleeping the whole day away.

I, hereby, confess that I play Star Wars: The Old Republic!  So far, I’ve got a little dodgy smuggler type and and slightly psycho trooper type.  Basically, they both shoot things and the latter option blows things up a LOT.  And, it really is a great stress relief!  Feeling grumpy?  Come and blow the hell out of the bad guys until you can’t see straight or you feel better.  I often use it to stay awake when Im tired so that I can pretend to have a vaguely normal sleeping pattern.  It is fun and fairly simple to operate.  Press 1 to hit things, press 6 to blow stuff up and then press keys 2-5 in order to really make the bad guys cry.  I love it!

Happiness is… A really big BOOM.

Day #33: Breathing Room and a few BOOMS

Another day in the Plague House.  Boyo is better but has no energy (a very strange turn of events for the Child of Tigger).  Now Girly is snotty and teething too.  Poor Hubby is carrying us all as Im a zombie too.  Pretty dire but there were some teeny tiny glimmers of Happy.

I set up a playpen for Boyo and filled it full of blankets and pillows.  He had been too poorly to really enjoy it but today he rolled in his Den and chilled out in there for ages.  He played with toys in there (Chase is on the case! – Thanks Paw Patrol) and was quietly happy.

It gave us some breathing room which made Hubby and I happy.  Girly spent time in bed with me relaxing and through teamwork we made it to bedtime.

Then I alleviated some stress by playing computer games with Hubby.  There’s just something about blowing away the bad guys to make a girl feel better.

Happiness is… In the small things.  And in big booming explosions.

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