I’m off to a great start with my Instagram challenge.  First off, I had no idea how to draw a snapdragon.  I had a vague memory of playing with them as a kid but I really couldn’t tell you what they look like.  So, being of the Tech generation, I turned to Google.

This is the image that I found that I figured I could at least attempt a copy of.


And so, with pencil in hand and tongue caught in my teeth (that’s apparently my concentration face) I set to work.  This is what I created.


Naturally, I was full of excitement!  In my eyes, it looked very similar to the original drawing.  I had even added colour (purple naturally!).  I then took a step back and looked again.  Then I sent it to Bestie K.

And then, the sniggering started.  Yes.  I know.  It’s a little bit, well, phallic.  Heck, it’s a lot phallic.  Bestie K tried to rise above it but in the end agreed that, yeah, it’s totally phallic.  And then, as these things often do, the conversation degenerated.  The description she gave of the phallic-ness of my hard work, in truth, cracked me up completely.  Let’s just say, we agreed it was a very happy phallic snapdragon.

Happiness is…  A best friend whose mind will happily join you in the gutter.