I love a good ticklist.  I’m a big fan of the ‘To Do’ list.  I simply love that feeling of ticking off the things I’ve done.  I’ve been doing the Bullet Journal for a week or so and it’s just perfect for my list making tendencies.  My morning and evening routines have adapted easily to it.  Plus, I’m starting to play with typography which is a forgotten love.  I love the way words look and the type is part of that.  I love swirly words and writing.  So doing the Bullet Journal is great for rediscovering my love of writing actual words.




Thanks to my bullet journal, I got loads done today and I feel happy when I get things done.  I like not having to keep it all in my head and having a place to put everything.  It’s a simple concept really but just remembering to have an Index at the front means I can find important information I want to keep track of without having to get another notebook just for that.  I have notebooks all over the house and now I finally have a system where I can steadily use ALL of them.  I will keep a couple separate but only for purposes that would rapidly fill up my notepad.


Happiness is… Using my notebooks to tick off my To Dos.