
Finding my Happy Every Day

A journey of discovering joy in the everyday

Day 90: Team mates

Since jumping back in with Phoenix Trading, I’ve come to realise how much I miss being part a team.  Don’t get me wrong, I love working with K on Kev’s Ippos but tonight I had chance to chat with several people from my Phoenix team and I loved it.  I think that the two businesses will compliment each other in that I can carry my crochet anywhere and the same goes for the cards.  I generally have an oversized bag with me so they can both slide in nicely.  They are also both talking points for meeting people so I’m very happy with that!


I’ve cracked on with my current crochet project and I’m happy to say it is progressing well.  It’s a fairly big project (for me) as I’m not hugely enamoured of crocheting clothes and a 5 year old’s cardigan is about my limit.  So the fact that I’m cracking on with a cardi that is not only at my limit but in a colour I abhore, I can only assume it’s because I want to see it end soon.  I have a nice little project planned next so my brain can relax again.  That said, I am enjoying the pattern.  It is very flexible and will look fab.  I even managed to con Boyo into trying it on for size and he liked it a lot.  I’m thinking he will be getting a waistcoat based on the pattern soon.


Happiness is… doing a job you love.

Day 89: Crafting and friends

Boyo had a guest for the first time today.  He has been friends with a little boy since Nursery school and he came over for a visit to break up the Easter Holiday boredom.  The two boys played and I crocheted.  Hubby was a fab sport and took the kids outside for a Lightsaber duel.  Well… He duelled while the boys demolished him between them.  He defended valiantly against the onslaught of two small boys.  Girly and I watched from inside and giggled at Hubby’s death scenes.

Boyo’s friend had a fabulous time and Boyo was invited round to his friend’s house next week.  I think his friend enjoyed that he got to spend time in a space that allowed fun with adults taking part.  He declared to Boyo that our house is Amazing!

Happiness is… watching the kids have fun together (yes Im including Hubby as a kid here, lol)

Day 88: Zombie checks in

Let’s just say that sleep is my friend.  My bed has most definitely accepted me as one of it’s own and it doesn’t want me to leave.

Happiness is… a bucket of pain medication and a good book

Day 87: Chocolate Day!

In case you were unaware Happy Easter!

We had a bit of choccie in the house but frankly, we were too tired to bother much.  Poor Boyo was pretty shattered after yesterday’s celebrations and Girly was more interested in trying to get hold of the shiny paper from her brother’s egg than in the chocolate itself.


Easter in my household is a gentle affair as I’m not Christian.  We do the bits and pieces that the school talk about and view it more from the cultural aspect than the spiritual.  We practice a different faith normally so why would we borrow Easter in order to get chocolate?  It just seems a bit too mercenary for my liking.  This means we get maybe 1 egg each for me and Hubby and Boyo gets an egg and a toy.  We do get eggs from relatives but they tend to be stretched out a bit over the weeks before and after.


Instead, we take the day to be together as a family and relax together.  We had the added dynamic of Jim’s dad staying over which made things a but tenser than usual.  However, we spent the day cuddled up watching movies and generally recovering together.


Happily, we had a visit from my Bestie down South, KC.  KC and I have the kind of friendship that we just pick up where we left off the last time we saw each other.  She did us the honour of agreeing to be one of Girly’s Guardians yesterday and I can genuinely say I love her and her family down to the bones.  Her oldest kiddo is Boyo’s soul friend.  They have similar issues and just connect instantly.  Her youngest Boyo is just a cutey.  I’m proud to be their Guardian too.  They are bright kiddos who face life’s challenges with a cheeky grin.  I miss them loads when they are gone.


Happiness is… Relaxing with my family both blood and soul kin.

Day 86: Girly’s Naming Day

After month’s of preparation, sleepness nights and 50 toy windmills made, the day finally came.  Girly has now been officially Named and introduced to our community.  Friends and family from up and down the country gathered together to welcome her into their lives and hearts.  And, she was amazingly cute all day.



It was at points solemn and chaotic, spiritual and silly.  The Naming ceremony was led by M which is a nice turnabout as I led her daughter’s Naming 8 years ago.  The ceremony itself was just beautiful.  Girly smiled at the crowd and cooed in the right places.  Her guardians gave their vows and so did Hubby and I.  Boyo even managed to stand up and promise to be a fun big brother and help Girly get into mischief – he really liked that idea!


Then we had the reception and chaos ensued.  I realised that we had 12 kids in attendance and I had a deep love for each of them.  They may not have all been blood related but I have become Auntie to each of them.  I truly believe it takes a village to raise a child and I am happy to say that I benefit from both sides of that raising.


Happiness is… Spending time with Family and Friends, celebrating new life.

Day 85: A new skill?

Drawing has always been something I pretty much suck at.  I once drew some Pokemon for an 8 year old we were babysitting for and Hubby genuinely thought that the 8 year old had done them.  I’ve recently found myself wandering into the realm of Instagram and I stumbled across a rather nifty tutorial for doodling a sheep.  Being slightly bored, I kinda figured why not have a try?

So, I did it!


I am ridiculously proud of my sheep.  I showed hubby and he didn’t really get why I was grinning like a loon but he did say it looked like a sheep so I will let him off.


In other news, I freaking LOVE hand lettering.  I think I have stumbled on a new/rememdered love.  I’ve always admired the calligraphy of hand lettered signs and now I am gonna learn how to do it!


Day 84:

Standing in the cold, it was hard to imagine feeling happy but I was.  Boyo walked with his classmates around the school playground sporting his Easter Hat with a smile.  Boyo was quickly overwhelmed by the amount of people but he just came to me and asked to be held.  We often have this happen when we attend school functions because he knows I can calm him.  The great thing is that the staff let him do it.  We have told them we are ok with it and they are happy to let Alex find a calm haven with us.  When he got too boisterous, I gently stroked his back which I’ve recently discovered calms him down.  He leaned into me for the comfort and was able to tolerate 15minutes surrounded by the whole school and all the parents of the school.  There were no meltdowns or flaps that show he is distressed, we are learning together how to keep him calm and I love the difference it is making for him.

Speaking of calming things, I sat and practiced my Hand Lettering while waiting for the Ks to get home.  I sat in the quiet and wrote my favourite fancy writing out.  I experimented with different ways of forming the letters and I’m really pleased with the outcome. 


My toughest challenge is accepting that mistakes are ok.  I have a few things I want to work on but I felt so relaxed afterwards.  I felt totally at ease and capable of dealing with the kids.  That feeling stayed with me all evening.  I could get used to that!

Happiness is… A new relaxing hobby.

Day 83: Crochet me Happy

I did it!! I’ve finished my current crochet project!!  This makes me so very happy.  My creative energy is returning and I feel great.

Day 82: Creativity and family fun

I happily picked up my crochet hook and cracked on with my current project while the kids played together on the carpet.  Girly is now sitting up solidly and the kids were playing on Girly’s play gym together.  Boyo adores his baby sister and it’s clear to see that the feeling is mutual.  She watches his every move and loves getting his attention.  I’m so proud of the relationship that is developing between them.  I can only continue to nurture it and let it grow.

Girly is all about moving at the moment.  If you put her on her back, she will roll over.  If you pop her on her tummy she tries to get to things.  While at Toddlers she managed to wriggle her way to a toy.  The great thing was she was surrounded by people who were all watching and encouraging her.  It feels so good to have these moments with her and with the support of our community.

Happiness is… Supportive relationships.

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