I’m completely entranced by the #DNDChallenge on Instagram.  I’m loving it!  The pure amount of inspiration and the variety that a single prompt can produce is amazing.  I love the fact that this challenge (and boy, it’s a challenge for my meagre talents) encorporates both drawing and hand lettering.  I’ve admired hand lettering for a long time and I can now say that I’ve attempted it!


I had bimbled around Instagram and looked at various different people who do hand lettering and feeling very inadequate, I decided to go with simple.  All the fancy decorations could come later.  For now, the main aim was to get it down on paper and have fun.  And I loved it.  I loved playing with the design and the colours.

I love that I was able to play around and chat with Boyo while I did the design.  I waited til later to ink it but we talked about things and had a very heartfelt chat about love.  Then I was able to get on with putting cards into plastic wrap for my new Phoenix Trading business.  Boyo was content to sit next to me as I worked and play his new favourite game on my phone.  This had the bonus of stopping me from distracting myself with new and exciting things on Facebook and Instagram.

Later on, I was able to ink in the design and then photograph it with my newly recharged phone.  Despite it being dark outside, I managed to get a good pic thanks to tips from Zuer Designs.  I heartily recommend the post about Instagram photos.  She also has lots of great brush lettering tutorials that I am planning on working through in my mythical spare time.

Happiness is… Quiet time with Boyo for designing.